Digitized/Digital Books

Camagüey and Oriente Provinces

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This collection of digitized books or essays on Cuba focuses on the Camagüey and Oriente Provinces.
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Camagüey Province

Local History of Florida (Camagüey Province)
by Julio Alvarez Quijano
Apuntes del Ciclon 1932
by M.P. Gutierrez Lanza
Florida is a municipality and city in the Camagüey Province of Cuba. It is located 25 miles north-west of Camagüey, along the
Carretera Central highway. The city was established in 1907, and the municipality was established in 1924.

Oriente Province

Memoria del Origen y Fundación del Hato de San Isidoro de Holguín
by Diego de Avila y Delmonte

Published in Holguin: Imprenta “El Oriental” a cargo de Francisco Alvarez y Gonzalez, 1865
Accessed from Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, Biblioteca Nacionál de España

El Incendio Epico

Homenaje del Rotary Club de Bayamo al “Dia de Bayamo” –
1869    Jan 12   1948


Enrique Orlando Lacalle y Zoquest

Oriente Province

Las Familias de Bayamo – 1512 – 1775
by Pedro del Prado y Pardo

Ediciones Bayamo, 2012
ISBN 978-959-223-229-7
Ediciones Bayamo: Centro Provincial del Libro y la Literatura, Mármol no. 113 entre Maceo y Ave. Francisco Vicente Aguilera, Bayamo, Granma, Cuba.

Downloadable PDF

See our Books of Interest Page for another book on the Families of Bayamo.

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