Digitized/Digital Books
Matanzas Province
About Digitized Books - Matanzas Province
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This collection of digitized books or essays on Cuba focuses on the Matanzas Province.
Many of our Digitized Books are free to view and download. The content that requires a Membership are labeled as “PREMIUM.”
These items are available on the Books Page for Members in our Members Only Area. A membership login is required to access those files.
Matanzas Province
Estadística de los voluntarios existentes en 31 de julio de 1869, en Matanzas, Cabezas, Ceiba-Mocha, Corral-Nuevo, Canasi, Guanabana, Sabanilla del Encomendador, Bolondron, Union de Reyes y Madruga
Benito Gonzalez del Tanago
SERIES: Latin American pamphlet digital project at Harvard University
REPOSITORY: Widener Library, Master Microforms, Harvard University
Memorias de un Matancero :
Apuntes para la historia de la isla de Cuba…
Pedro Antonio Alfonso
(1854 – Published by Marsal y Ca., Matanzas)
Available and downloadable on Internet Archive
Matanzas Province
La Población de la Nueva Bermeja

An article from the Memorias de la Sociedad Patriotica de la Habana, Tomo XIV, 1842, the founding of Nueva Bermeja, Matanzas. It is now Colon.
Our thanks to Mariela Fernandez, CGC President, for donating it to the club from her personal collection.
Matanzas Province
Apuntes Históricos de Matanzas

Cuaderno de Historia Matancera X
Jose Mauricio Quintero
Imprenta El Ferro-Carril (1881)
Our thanks to Mariela Fernandez, CGC President, for donating it to the club from her personal collection.
Matanzas Province
Enrique Llurias

Cuaderno de Historia Matancera XI
Jose Rivero Muñiz
Our thanks to Mariela Fernandez, CGC President, for donating it to the club from her personal collection.