Journal: (noun) a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity.
About Journals
IMPORTANT: These files are for personal use only! The use of the information on this site for commercial, political, or any other purpose other than research of your family history and genealogy is strictly forbidden.
Please contact, and credit, the CGC prior to using any part of this collection by sending an email to
The journals listed are suggested by members for Cuban and Spanish genealogical research.
- Spanish Florida articles
- Canary Islands (View drop-down menu for the island of interest)
- Digitized directories

Raices de la Perla
Publisher: Cuban Genealogy Club of Miami, Fl., Inc.
The CGC proudly produced a journal twice per membership year from 2004 through 2013. The journal was called Raices de la Perla (or the Pearl’s Roots.) The journal’s name is in deference to the island of Cuba which is known as the “Pearl of the Antilles.” Our journal deals with matters of genealogical interest, principally for those who engage in Cuban genealogy.
PREMIUM CONTENT: All journal editions are available for download to our members in the Members Only area of the website.

Caribbean History & Genealogical Journal
President and Publisher: Peter E. Carr
Issues were published in January, April, July, and October.
We currently have the following issues: January, April, and October of 1993; April and October of 1995; and January of 1997. These extractions are courtesy of CGC Director, Martha Ibañez Zervoudakis, from her personal collection.
Articles of Interest from the 1993, 1995 and 1997 Issues
CHGJ_1993 Issues_Caribbean Passenger Lists_1862 and 1869
CHGJ_1995 Issues_NY Passengers Arriving from the West Indies_1865_1866
CHGJ_1997 Issue_Passenger arrivals at NY from the Caribbean_1867
CHGJ_1997 Issue_Passenger arrivals from Havana_1901
CHGJ_1993_95_97 Issues_Index to US Citizens’ Register in Havana_1871
CHGJ_1995 Issues_Deaths in the Cronicas de Santiago de Cuba_1870 to 1896*
CHGJ_1997 Issues_Deaths_in the Cronicas de Santiago de Cuba_1870 to 1896*
CHGJ_1995 and 1997 Issues_Deaths_in the Cronicas de Santiago de Cuba_1870 to 1896*
CHGJ_1993 Issues_Bibliography for Cuban Researcher_HC de Salas del Valle
CHGJ_1993 Issues_French surnames in the Cronicas de Santiago de Cuba*
CHGJ_1993 Issues_Life in a Taino Village_Peter Carr
CHGJ_1993 Issues_list of French and Spanish leaving St. Domingue
CHGJ_1995 Issues_Passport Register of the American Consulate in Matanzas_1857