
(noun) a periodical publication containing written information about current events

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Diario de la Marina

Diario de la Marina was a newspaper published in Cuba, founded by Don Nicolas Rivero in 1832. Diario de la Marina was Cuba’s longest-running newspaper and the one with the highest circulation. Its roots went back to 1813 with El Lucero de la Habana (The Havana Star) and the Noticioso Mercantil (The Mercantile Seer) whose 1832 merger established El Noticioso y Lucero de la Habana, which was renamed Diario de la Marina in 1844.

In 1953, the Diario had a circulation of 28,000 weekdays and 35,000 on Sundays, with 36 to 48 pages, selling for five cents. Its audience was government officials and the upper and middle classes.

Soon after the Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro that overthrew the Cuban government in 1959, all media – radio, television, and print – underwent a censorship process. Diario La Marina, due to its anti-Castro position (it had opposed Castro’s efforts since well before the revolution) was closed on May 12, 1960, by orders of the government. After 128 years, the newspaper had ceased operations.

La Gaceta de la Habana

Diario de la Habana: Periodico Oficial del Gobierno becomes La Gaceta de la Habana in February of 1848.

El Diario de la Habana en la Mano - Indices y sumarios

1812 – 1848

Available online from University of Florida Digital Collections

Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica

The Virtual Library of the Historical Press, managed by the Subdirectorate General for Library Coordination of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, is a digital newspaper library in which are offered an extensive, varied and growing repertoire of historical press and cultural magazines in Spanish languages.

Today it offers, in open and free access, some 10 million pages corresponding to more than 1.3 million newspaper and magazine issues, from 103 Spanish libraries.

Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Pinar del Rio

The official newspaper for the civil government in Pinar del Rio. It began in 1879. (Lots of names appear in this Nov 1891 edition!)

Newspaper Articles - Diario de la Marina

" Del Pasado - Por el Conde San Juan de Jaruco"

Francisco Xavier de Santa Cruz y Mallén, in addition to writing the important Historia de Familias Cubanas volumes, also wrote a series of articles titled Del Pasado – Por el Conde San Juan de Jaruco. This series was published in the newspaper Diario de la Marina during a span of seven years: from 1945 through 1952.

Mayra Sanchez-Johnson, president of the Cuban Genealogy Society, has identified a total of 164 articles in the Society’s April 1988 magazine: Revista.

We could not find the following 2 articles:
Primeros Armadores de Cuba – 22 Sep 1946
Nueva Ley Sobre Grandeza y Titulos del Reino – 21 Mar 1948

We have posted a total of 122 articles. If you know where to locate the above-noted articles, please email us!


We would like to thank the following group of transcribers for volunteering their time and sharing their passion for genealogy in this task: Lourdes del Pino, Benjamín Fernández, Mariela Fernández, Jorge Flores, the late Eugenia García Guzmán, Nereyda Ibáñez, and Hilda Pomares; with a special acknowledgement to Hilda Pomares for the enormous amount of time and effort as well as the prodigious amount of work that was contributed by her. Also, our most heartfelt gratitude to Mariela Fernandez who not only was the driving force behind this project but also contributed endless time in the library copying microfilms and then transcribing the files!

Book - Newspapers of Pinar del Rio

The following index is an extraction from a book written by Isidro Pruneda: Los Periodicos de Pinar del Rio: Estudio Bibliografico – 1852 – 1952 (Cien Años.)  It is a study of the newspapers, gazettes, and printed press of Pinar del Rio from 1852 to 1952. Mr. Pruneda, at the time of this book, was the director of the “Heraldo Pinareño”, the official newspaper of the province.

The book also has a few copies of the newspapers noted in the book, as well as some of the “banners” used in the newspapers.

Source: Pruneda, Isidro – Los Periodicos de Pinar del Rio – Estudio Bibligrafico, 1852 – 1952 (Cien Años); Talleres: Heraldo Pinareño, 1952.

Pinar del Rio Newspaper Banners

Downloadable PDF – Information for the newspaper banners in the gallery below.


Make sure to check out these other pages:
“Newspaper Civil Registry” 
“Cuban Newspapers in PARES” on our Archives of Spain section