Digitized Directories

Directory: (noun) a book listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.

About Our Directories

IMPORTANT: These files are for personal use only! The use of the information on this site for commercial, political, or any other purpose other than research of your family history and genealogy is strictly forbidden.
Please contact, and credit, the CGC prior to using any part of this collection by sending an email to secretary@cubangenclub.org.
The directories can note the types of business, along with their addresses and owner’s name. Some provincial directories can list schools, churches, doctors, teachers, etc.
We also have the Manual Calendar and Guide for Foreigners (Forasteros de la Isla de Cuba.)

*A special thanks to Lourdes del Pino for her donation from her personal collection.

Business Directories

Directory for the City of Havana and Extramural Vicinities (1840)
This directory was published in 1840

by Eduardo Jones (Havana, Cuba)

Downloadable PDF

Directorio de Artes, Comercio, e Industrias de la Habana

This directory was published by Libreria de A. Graupera, Habana, 1859

Available as a download from Biblioteca Digital Hispanica


Commercial Directory – Havana (1885)
This newspaper was published in Havana by Santiago S. Spencer. It was originally published under the name “Precios Corrientes” in 1822 by Santiago Spencer, Sr. Eventually it was renamed “Boletin Comercial de la Habana.” This article was published on June 9th of 1885. The list includes the names of the businesses as well as their known addresses.

Downloadable PDF

Commercial Directory for the Island of Cuba (1886)

This directory was published in 1886 by Bailly-Bailliere & Sons

(Madrid, Spain)

Downloadable PDF

Commercial Directory of Cuba and Puerto Rico (1892)
This directory was published by Bureau of the American Republics, Bulletin No. 38, March 1892 (Washington, DC., USA)

Downloadable PDF

Cuban Business Directory (1896)

This directory is part of the book Commercial Cuba: A Book for Business Men by William Jared Clark. It was published by Charles Scribner’s Sons in New York. An 1898 edition was published as well.

Downloadable PDF

Mercantile Directory of the Island of Cuba for the year 1901 – Year VIII 
This directory was published in January 1901
Proprietary Editors Zayas y Quintero
Printed by: “Aisador Comercial”, Amargura 30, Habana
Directory of Cuban Commerce, Professions and Industry for the Island of Cuba  (1902)
This directory was published in 1902 by Bailly-Bailliere & Sons
(Madrid, Spain)
Downloadable PDF

Anuario del Comercio de la Industria de la Magistratura y de la Administracion de España, sus colonias
Cuba, Puerto-Rico y Filipinas, Estados Hispano-Americanos y Portugal (1908) – 
Vol 4


Yearbook of Commerce of the Industry and the Administration of Spain and its colonies
Cuba, Puerto-Rico and the Philippines, Hispanic-American States and Portugal (1908) – Volume 4

This directory was published in 1908 by Bailly-Bailliere & Sons
(Madrid, Spain)

Source: GoogleBooks

Downloadable PDF

General and Commercial Directory for Havana and the Island of Cuba (1874)

This directory was published by Caine & Co. in Havana. It is a listing of the businesses in Havana as well as other parts of the island. It is arranged alphabetically by the owner’s name. It lists the name, type of business, the city where it was located, and street address. We have also included the page where the entry was located within the directory.

Special thanks to our transcribers:
Annette Baquedano, Lourdes del Pino, Mariela Fernandez, Jorge Flores, Felix Mendigutia, and Juan J. Suarez-Parets.

Source: Directorio General y Comercial de la Habana e Isla de Cuba, Editores Propietarios, Caine y Compa., Año Segundo, 1874, Cuba.

Commercial Directory of the American Republics – Vol II (1898)
This is a very large PDF (1,686 pages) – Click on the “PDF Guide” for page numbers of the different countries.

Compiled by the Bureau of the American Republics, International Union of American Republics. Published by Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898.

The Directory comprises the manufacturers, merchants, shippers, banks, and bankers engaged in foreign trade; together with the names of officials, maps, commercial statistics, industrial data, and other information concerning the countries of the International Union of American Republics, the American Colonies and Hawaii. Two Volumes.

VOL I – Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, the Falkland Islands, the Greater Republic of Central America, Guatemala, the Guianas, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, and British Honduras (Issued November 11, 1897)

VOL II – Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Santo Domingo, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and the West Indian Colonies.

Provincial Directories

Directorio Comercial e Industrial de Santa Clara – 1953

Publisher: P. Fernandez y Cia., La Habana

Donated by Marisela Soto from her personal collection

Directorio – Santa Clara – 1953

Boletin Oficial de la Provincia de Santa Clara – 21 Feb 1938

Results of the Elections of March 5, 1938

Municipalities listed in the directory:

Santa Clara proper, Abreus, Cienfuegos, Sagua la Grande, Sancti Spíritus, Camajuaní, Trinidad, Calabazar de Sagua, Encrucijada, Cruces, Caibarién, Zulueta, Yaguajay, San Fernando de Camarones, Santa Isabel de las Lajas, Esperanza, Fomento, Santo Domingo, San Juan de los Yeras, Quemado de Güines,, Cabaiguán, Ranchuelo, Aguada de Pasajeros, San Antonio de las Vueltas, Corralillo, Remedios, Rancho Veloz, Placetas, Rodas, Cifuentes, San Diego del Valle.

Boletín Oficial de Santa Clara 1938

Contemporary Provincial Guide of Matanzas – 1942
Industrial, agricultural, commercial, professional, social and tourism guide of the province of Matanzas

Directory of the Province of Santiago de Cuba (1889 – 1890)

Published in 1889 by the Imprenta de Juan E. Ravelo in Santiago de Cuba, this book lists the public officials for each “ayuntamiento” in the Province of Santiago. It also lists schools, churches, and doctors. The end of the list includes all the different businesses both large and small along with their address. Each section begins with a small introduction and description of the area as well as a census.

This book seems to have been updated periodically as there is also an 1887 edition.

We have directories for Alto de Songo, Baracoa, Bayamo, Caney, Gibara, Guantánamo, Holguin **, Jiguaní, Manzanillo,
Mayarí, Ságua deTánamo, Santiago de Cuba, Victoria de las Túnas and Villa de Cobre.

**Holguin’s Directory is also available in the Winter/Spring 2007 edition of our journal, Raices de la Perla.**

Guía de Forasteros

Manual Calendar and Guide for Foreigners of the Island of Cuba
Published by Impresa de la Capitania General – Havana, Cuba

A series of descriptive books of the government, the provinces, municipalities, ephemeris, customs, festivals, and traditions of the island of Cuba

in the 19th century, as well as addresses of telegraph offices, churches, Cuban businesses, hospitals, etc.

Our thanks to Mariela Fernandez for sharing these files from her personal library.

Phone Directories

Telephone Directory – 1949
An alphabetical list of subscribers as well as a commercial and professional directory.

Directory – Digital Library of the Caribbean

Telephone Directory – 1955 
An extract of the information in these directories. Available through Guije.com

Ciego de Avila
Santiago de las Vegas

Manual Calendar and Official Guide of Spain
Similar to the books on Cuba, but dealing with the country of Spain for the year 1897.


Anglo-American Directory of Cuba – 1960

Province of Havana

On the Site: Cuban Information Archives

REFERENCE: Anglo-American Directory of Cuba 1960, Marianao, Cuba
NOTE: This Directory was transcribed from a poor photocopy. The cover and some pages were not in the copy.

The advertisements were poor at best and reproduced poorly.