Land Records
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About Land Records
Land records are referred to as “matriculas.”
The PDF files below were transcribed from files found in various Spanish Archives in Spain. A description of the file in PARES (Portal de Archivos Españoles) is included in the downloadable PDF.
The definitions noted below are for the purposes of our transcribed files only and not meant to be the only definition of the word.
Our thanks to Dr. Sherry Johnson for sharing her documents and research with us!
Our gratitude to our members for transcribing these files for publication.
IMPORTANT: These files are for personal use only! The use of the information on this site for commercial, political, or any other purpose other than research of your family history and genealogy is strictly forbidden.
Please contact, and credit, the CGC prior to using any part of this collection by sending an email to
The vara was an old Spanish unit of length that was equivalent to 33 inches. According to the length of the inch (in each region it could have had a different value) the vara could measure between 30 and 36 inches. The “vara castellana”, the most extended, measured 33 inches, and was divided into four handspans. In modern times, the vara castellana is usually assigned the measurement of 3 feet.
The Alpha/Numeric Codes noted are the file designations that are found in PARES (Portal de Archivos Españoles.)
The legend is:
- Cuba
- SD – Santo Domingo
- U – Ultramar
- Arrendatario
Someone who yields or acquires for a price the use or temporary use of things, works or services. - Caballeria
Land that was distributed to the men who had contributed to the conquest or the colonization of a territory. - Corral
A plot of land that is utilized as an orchard or for raising young animals. - Cuje (Cuge)
Strong sticks, about 12 feet long, where the tobacco leaves were placed. The leaves were placed, two by two, tied at the top with the veins upwards. There should have been no more that 150 leaves per stick so that the tobacco leaf would not be squeezed or damaged and its quality compromised. - Dueño
Man who has domain or dominion on someone or something. - Estancia
Cattle ranch
- Hacienda
Agricultural farm - Hato
A group or collection of large or small livestock. - Ingenio (Ingenio azucarero)
An old Spanish colonial hacienda with facilities to process sugar cane in order to obtain sugar, rum, alcohol and other products . - Manojo
A bundle - Potrero
Site for farming and grazing horses. - Tazmía
An estimate of a crop’s harvest. - Vega
Land used for the production of tobacco.
Land Documents
CUBA 1090
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido del Naranjal (12 May 1771)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido de Yumurí (12 May 1771)
CUBA 1096
Hatos y Corrales del Partido de Güines (6 Jun 1767)
Vegas de San Pedro de las Carreras, Güines (6 Jun 1767)
CUBA 1156
Labradores de Tabacos de Guines (Deudores) (1776) – Sherry Johnson Collection
CUBA 1165
Relación de Pobladores y Vecinos de San Juan de Jaruco (1773)
Relación de Pobladores y Vecinos de San Juan de Jaruco (1773) – IMAGES – Sherry Johnson Collection
CUBA 1174
Vendedores de Tabaco – Villa de Bayamo – Partido de Bayamo (1773 – 1774)
Vendedores de Tabaco – Villa de Bayamo – Partido de Buey (1773 – 1774)
Vendedores de Tabaco – Villa de Bayamo – Partido de Casibacoa (1773 – 1774)
Vendedores de Tabaco – Villa de Bayamo – Partido de Contramestre (1773 – 1774)
Vendedores de Tabaco – Villa de Bayamo – Partido de Jiguaní (1773 – 1774)
Vendedores de Tabaco – Villa de Bayamo – Partido de Mabay (1773 – 1774)
Vendedores de Tabaco – Villa de Bayamo – Partido de Yara (1773 – 1774)
CUBA 1192
CUBA 1195
Tazmía de Tabaco (Xiaraco -1772) – Sherry Johnson Collection
Tazmía de Tabaco (Areas de Güines – 1 Jul 1772)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Canoa, Nazareno, Guara, y Zabalo (1772) – Sherry Johnson Collection
Tazmía de Tabaco – Xiaraco (Santa Maria del Rosario) (17 Jun 1773)
Tazmía de Xiaraco (1774) – Sherry Johnson Collection
Tazmía y Vegas de Güines (1774) – Sherry Johnson Collection
Labradores de Tabaco de Güines (1774) – Sherry Johnson Collection
Tazmía de Tabaco – Xiaraco (1775)
Tazmía de Tabaco (Xiaraco – 1775) IMAGES
Tazmía de Tabaco de Güines (16 Jun 1776) – IMAGES – Sherry Johnson Collection
Cosecha de Cera (Güines – 30 Jun 1776)
Repartimiento de Tierras (Güines – 1777) IMAGES
CUBA 1196
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido del Cano – (1772)
Tazmía de Tabaco (Partido del Cano – 1772) IMAGES – Sherry Johnson Collection
CUBA 1201
Relación casas y caballerías de tierra Managua (no date) – Sherry Johnson Collection
Vegueros, deudores de Río Hondo (1775)
CUBA 1216
Propiedades de Floridanos a los Británicos – 1772
CUBA 1261
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido del Consolación – Pinar del Rio (1780)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido del Filipina – Pinar del Rio (1780)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido del Galafre – Pinar del Rio (1780)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido del Guane – Pinar del Rio (1779)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido de Los Palacios y San Cristobal – Pinar del Rio (1780)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido de Mantua – Pinar del Rio (1780)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido de Pinar del Rio (1780)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido de San Juan y Martinez – Pinar del Rio (1779)
Tazmía de Tabaco – Partido de Vuelta Abajo (Pinar del Rio) (1779)
CUBA 1272
Haciendas – Partido del Calvario, La Habana (15 Feb 1779)
CUBA 1317
CUBA 1470
Resumen – El Cano – (4 May 1792)
Resumen – El Cano – (4 May 1792) – IMAGES
Ingenios, Potreros de Santa Teresa de Guxaybon (1795) – Sherry Johnson Collection
CUBA 1471
Ganados en Propiedades del Partido de San Julian de los Güines – 6 Jul 1791
Relación de Estancias – Jesús del Monte (5 Feb 1794)
CUBA 1472
Caballerias de Tierra – Partido de la Canoa y San Jose de las Lajas (1792)
Caballerías de Tierra – Partido de Marianao, La Habana (18 Feb 1794)
Caballerias de Tierra – Quemado del Cargo (18 Dec 1794)
Caballerias de Tierra – Quemado del Cargo (18 Dec 1794) IMAGES
Caballerías de Tierra – Partido del Quemado, Marianao (8 Feb 1794)
Caballerías de Tierra – San Miguel del Padron, La Habana (4 Jun 1794)
Haciendas – Partido de Macuriges (1 Abril 1791)
Hatos y Corrales de Santa Cruz de los Pinos, Pinar del Rio (13 Dec 1794)
Ingenios y Caballerias de Tierra del Partido de San Pedro (Sin fecha)
Pueblo San Antonio de los Baños (1794)
SD 384
Hatos, Corrales e Ingenios de Sancti Spiritus (1737)
Hatos, Corrales e Ingenios de San Juan de los Remedios (1737)
Hatos, Corrales e Ingenios de Santa Clara (1737)
Hatos, Corrales e Ingenios de Trinidad (1737)
SD 413
Corrales y Sitios de Ganados en Guanabacoa (1755)
U 91
Contratación de Agricultores de la Península para Cuba (1874 – 1875)
The Alpha/Numeric Codes are files that are found in PARES (the Spanish Archives.)
Legend: C-Cuba; SD-Santo Domingo; U-Ultramar
"Indice de los sugetos que contiene el libro intitulado encomiendas de Yndios y de oficios vendibles y renunciables de Nueva Espana, comprehensivo desde 11 de Abril de 1739, hasta 7 de Diciembre de 1785."
Scope and content:Record book where petitions for Indian parcels and their confirmations are recorded, as well as saleable and renounceable trades from New Spain, also including Santo Domingo, Cuba and Venezuela. With Index, in duplicate, relative only to trades. Note: Parcel requests are recorded at the end of the book – 1739-1785.
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Partido de Bahia Honda -Tabaco - 1786
Donation from CGC President, Mariela Fernández