Islas Canarias - Blogs and Webpages
About Islas Canarias
The Canary Islands (Islas Canarias) are a Spanish archipelago and the southernmost autonomous community of Spain located in the Atlantic Ocean, 62 miles west of Morocco at the closest point.
The seven main islands are (from largest to smallest in area) Tenerife, La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, and Lanzarote. The archipelago includes many smaller islands and islets. In ancient times, the island chain was often referred to as “Las Afortunadas” (the Fortunate Isles.) Historically, the Canary Islands have been considered a bridge between four continents: Africa, North America, South America, and Europe. During the time of the Spanish Empire, the Canaries were the main stopover for Spanish galleons on their way to the Americas, which came south to catch the prevailing northeasterly trade winds.
In 1927, the Province of Canary Islands was split into two provinces: the Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the Province of Las Palmas. The autonomous community of the Canary Islands was established in 1982. Its capital is shared by the cities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which in turn are the capitals of the provinces. Between the 1833 territorial division of Spain and 1927, Santa Cruz de Tenerife was the sole capital of the Canary Islands. In 1927 a decree ordered that the capital of the Canary Islands be shared, as it remains at present.
The third-largest city of the Canary Islands is San Cristóbal de La Laguna (a World Heritage Site) on the island of Tenerife.
Many Cubans have ancestors that migrated from the Canary Islands to Cuba.
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Blogs and Webpages
Genealogías Canarias (2012-present)
Platform open to collaboration from researchers worldwide,
so long as the research is rigorous, and sources are provided.
Other Sites
Historia Familiar de Canarias: Aportaciones para su estudio
La Genealogia de las Islas Canarias
University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria – University Library
Memoria Digital Canaria (mdC)
Memoria Digital de Lanzarote
Historia del Municipio de Haria
Historia de Teguise. Blog authored by cronistas de Lanzarote
List of Canarian emigrants – Classified by alphabetical order (3 Volumes)
Teguise Historic Archive (Series of 3 books with lists of passengers out of Lanzarote, many of them to Cuba)
La Palma
Junta de Cronistas Oficiales de Canarias
Cliocanarias – Un espacio para la historia
Jose Miguel Rodriguez Yanez
Gen de Candelaria
Articles of Interest
Coloquio de Historia Canario Americana – Archive
(VI Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana, 01 Ene 1984, pgs. 217-243)
(IV Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana, 01 Ene 1980, pgs. 225-248)
La Gomera en el tránsito del siglo XV al XVI. Aspectos económicos – Eduardo Aznar Vallejo
(V Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana, 01 Ene 1982, pgs. 403-240)
ULPCG – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – Home Page
Los condes de La Gomera (documentos y notas históricas) – Dacio V. Darias y Padrón
Los condes de La Gomera – Dacio V. Darias y Padrón (ampliaciones y rectificaciones)
El motín gomero de 1690 – Jose Miguel Rodriguez Yanes
La transmisión del señorío de Canarias en el siglo XV. Nuevos documentos y nuevas perspectivas – Eduardo Aznar Vallejo
El Archivo General Insular de la Gomera: Instalaciones, fondos y servicios – Víctor Diaz Padilla
La región canaria en los orígenes americanos – Analola Borges
Los fondos canarios de la colección de Salazar y Castro – Ángel Luis Hueso Monton
El comercio entre La Palma y Las Canarias occidentales, 1600-1650 – Elisa Torres Santana y Esteban Alemán Ruiz
Canarias en los cronistas de Indias – Francisco Morales Padron
Los amoríos de Doña Beatriz de Bobadilla – Antonio Rumeu de Armas
El linaje español más antiguo en Canarias
Sociedad de Estudios Geneálogicos y Heráldicos de Canarias (SEGEHECA)
V Jornadas de Genealogía de Canarias - October 2021

Program - Page 1

Program - Page 2
CGC Vice-President Lourdes del Pino’s presentation
“Presencia Canaria en Los Primeros Protocolos Notariales de La Habana (1578-1587)”
Additional Resources:
Presencia Canaria en los primeros protocolos de La Habana -Análisis (PDF of the research spreadsheet created by Lourdes del Pino)
Bibliografía -Presencia Canaria en los primeros protocolos de la habana (Bibliography for presentation)